Words of Wisdom – Repeated
Repeat Day – Quotes Repeated
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
– Albert Einstein
The pipe broke. No matter how many times he fixed it. The pipe broke.
Every time it would start with a drip and end with a flood. Every time he’d call to have the area cleared and would take on the work himself.
He would never allow them to figure it out. He would never allow them to resolve the problem.
The pipe broke. No matter how many times he fixed it. The pipe broke. It drove him insane.
Erosion is a process that requires an enormous amount time. Water rushes past rock day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second. For years, decades, millennia, and it is that repeating that breaks through the stubborn stone.
The same thing happens in your home. A steady drip touches a piece of carpet. If it is allowed to continue, it will produce mold. A steady drip touches a piece of wood. If allowed to continue, the wood will weaken, splinter, and falter. A steady drip touches the pipe around it. If allowed to continue, it will grow, and a flood will wash away your home.
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
The pipe broke. He fixed it. The pipe broke.
It would start to drip from one end. He replaced the pipe.
It would start to drip from the other. He replaced the pipe.
It would start to drip from both ends. He discovered the problem.
The pipe broke. He fixed it with plumbers tape.
Practice Practice Practice
Repetition is powerful. Repetition is boring. Repetition is the only way to get better. Repetition is the definition of insanity.
Practice what you want to achieve. Practice the small steps until their perfect. Practice the bigger steps until they can be completed with little effort. Practice makes perfect.
Repeat Day
Today is repeat day, and no which school of thought on repetition you subscribe to, it is a must in everyone’s day life at one point or another. Whether going to school or work every day of the week, or checking your email, celebrate repetition today, for it is the catalyst of change.